- Party Planner -- organized and hosted a going away party for 30+ people, including a customized cake, food, and drinks
- Packer -- packed all of the Man's belongings into 8 neatly stacked boxes, all labeled with the contents and appropriate timeline of necessity
- Hair Stylist -- buzzed the Man's head as to meet academy requirements. As if bald wasn't short enough.
- Professional Organizer -- unpacked all of the Man's belongings into his temporary closet; this consisted of refolding everything he "folded."
- Navigator -- the Man has driven to Louisville more times in the last month than most people have in their entire lives, yet he almost got lost three times. I'm pretty sure I have an internal GPS.
- Cook -- I'm no Julia Child, but I can pack a mean cooler full of snacks.
- Counselor -- "Everything is going to be ok, honey. I love you, honey. God is in control, honey. No, your head doesn't look like a skunk, honey."
I could go on, but the Man informed me that my typing is keeping him awake and he absolutely has to get some sleep. Did I mention I'm waking up at 4:30am to wish him off? Wife.Of.The.Year.
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